
Returns and exchanges in an overview

In a previous update we showed that returns & refunds have been merged. So you have all returns as well as exchanges in one convenient overview.

Convenient filter

Are you looking for a specific order? Then you can now use the search function to easily filter by customer name or order number, for example.

Easily switch between details and items

The moment you click on an order, you have the choice between "details" and "items.

  • Details provides all information about that order. Think return status, any communication that took place via email and comments.
  • Items displays a listing of products that were either returned or exchanged. You can also see an image for each item, the size, SKU number, amount and return reason.

Although many elements were also available in the previous design, users can now easily switch between details and items. It also allows merchants to process a return or exchange without navigating between different tabs in the dashboard.


Michaela - Netherlands

Exchanging, packing and returning my stuff was so quick!


Peter - Netherlands

Everything was simple and absolutely perfect!

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