Deze gebruiksvoorwaarden zijn van toepassing op elk gebruik van het platform, van welke aard dan ook, inclusief de registratie van een retourzending, tenzij de toepasselijkheid schriftelijk geheel of gedeeltelijk is uitgesloten of anderszins is overeengekomen.
Download Terms of UseVersion: March 11, 2024
The transport of the Return by the Carrier is subject to the general (shipping) conditions of the Carrier concerned:
Terms and conditions applicable to Returns insured through the Returnista Platform:
If a Return is sent with insurance coverage through the Returnista Platform, it must meet the following conditions before any compensation can be paid to the Consumer:
- The Return must be sent with a valid Track and Trace code, accompanied by proof of postage showing that the Return has been scanned by store staff or a courier at the collection point.
- The Return must be sent in suitable packaging that complies with the terms and conditions of the relevant Carrier.
- The Return must not contain any prohibited items.
- For Returns containing multiple packages, each package must have a separate Track and Trace code and the insurance must be taken out for the total number of packages within the Return.
- The insurance coverage does not apply to Returns with rented products.
- For Returns that are covered by the Webshop's warranty or products that are not in an impeccable condition, the current value of the product will be used.
- Het maximale schadevergoedingsbedrag per verzekering wordt vermeld bij het afsluiten van de verzekering en is nooit hoger dan €400 per afgeslote verzekering.